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Indecisive - The Motions

'The Motions' is the new track and first taste of debut EP from alt-rock newcomers Indecisive.


Cover Artwork By Josh Cope

It's been three years since the release of debut single 'What Good Is It For?' from Indecisive and now they are back and ready to share their sound with the world. Released on the 17th of May 'The Motions' is a refreshingly energetic track that gives the first taste of the bands debut EP.

Indecisive met back when they were in Year 7 and then formed a year later but it wasn't till 2018 when vocalist Drew joined that they became the band we know today. After securing this formation the group from Milton Keynes began working on original material and gigging around their hometown. Indecisive are part of a large group of exciting up and coming bands from Milton Keynes yet they stand out with their unique mesh of alt and math rock that also takes in a healthy dose of jazz influence. After the release of 'What Good Is It For?' the four-piece gained radio attention, played a sold out show at Lincoln's Liquor and supported Bull last September. 'The Motions' may feel like an upbeat joyous track but if you listen to the lyrics it tells of being stuck in a rut, treating others around you with disdain and not being able to stop...

"I was thinking about the cycles when it came to my relationships: the return to a certain moment, repeating similar mistakes, the inability to find happiness within that - there's a term for it, "the hedonic treadmill"' - (Drew Swords, Vocalist)

'The Motions' definitely feels different to the debut single release from Indecisive. To me it feels as though they have ventured a little further away from the alt-rock sound but it's really upbeat and refreshing, not like everything else. I did find it interesting to listen to the lyrics and see the contrast between what instrumentally just feels like a hopeful uplifting track but when you really listen you realise it's something a little darker. Also instrumentally I found this song super interesting it's like everytime you listen you hear something new and exciting like a gift that just keeps giving. The jazz influence is easily more apparent in 'The Motions' compared to previous 'What Good Is It For?' and this gives Indecisive something that I personally haven't heard in many other modern bands. I'm certainly intrigued to see what else these guys bring for the upcoming EP.

Band Line Up

Drew Swords: Vocals Danny Wangus: Guitar Rob Panther: Guitar Lewis Pinkerten: Drums

Listen to 'The Motions' HERE

Connect with Indecisive

Picture by Jamie MacMillan

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